
Last Updated on September 5, 2022

How to write a self-assessment? The best useful examples

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Self-assessment is an important component of success in both our personal and business lives. The necessity of this has made many of us resort to self-assessment example templates to aid us in writing one. However, these templates can be frustrating to use at times. Also, some of the components of the templates appear too abstract to be understood.

In this article, I will help you know how to get it right while writing an assessment.

You should note that self-evaluation, self-assessment, and self-appraisal all mean the same thing.

So whenever you see the other synonyms, you should not be confused.

In here, I will be focusing on self-assessment examples for work.

It will serve as a framework for both employee self assessment examples and manager self-performance review.

As an employee, you must fill a performance review at some point, either quarterly or annually, to review your achievements, strengths, and weakness in relation to the organizational goal for your specific position.


You can see that it is something you cannot escape as an employee.

Also, as an entrepreneur, you need to know how it works, in order to measure your professional success.

Is self-assessment important to my career?

It is not only important but fundamental to you succeeding in any chosen career.

Self-assessment (self-evaluation or self-awareness), whichever term you are using, is an avenue of drawing insights.

You get insights by writing out your:

  • Strengths
  • Achievements
  • Areas of improvement (weakness)
  • Future goals
  • Present results in relation to the organizational goals

How could I improve self-assessment examples?

The tips below, when followed, will help you to develop a rewarding self-assessment.

These tips can put in writing both an employee self-assessment and manager performance review self-evaluation.

(i) Be specific

Vague or ambiguous words will end up making your self-evaluation meaningless to the reader.

It can also affect all-purpose.

Quantify your results in specific and clear terms.

Focus on how you approached the situation and achieved your results.

For instance, as a sales representative, instead of saying, “Within three months, I had increased the sales of the company’s product to a maximum level.”

You can say, “Within five months, I have boosted the sales of the company’s product from 40% to 85% using the act of copywriting by capturing leads and loyal customers”.

Also, if you compare both statements, you can see that the second statement explained your achievements better to your supervisor or reader.

Your reader or supervisor can relate better to your achievement.

(ii) Use numbers

Using numbers for self-evaluation enables you to relate more with your achievements.

It makes it more understandable and quantifiable.

Your supervisor or reader can easily note your achievement using numbers.

For instance, if you look at the first statement in the above instance, you can see the sales representative stating that the company’s sales improve to a maximum level under him.

The word “maximum” is not quantifiable in this context.

The reader won’t be able to measure your success.

So, looking at the second statement, you can see that it was specific, from 40% to 85%.

Here, the reader can measure that the sales representative brought about a 45% increase in sales.

(iii) Honesty

Don’t add or remove from the facts while writing a self-evaluation.

State all facts correctly without mincing words.

Dishonesty will defeat the purpose of which it was written.

(iv) Provide evidence

While writing a self-evaluation, always back up your claim with shreds of evidence.

Giving concrete documentation makes it more effective.

You should also incorporate the feedback you received from your colleagues in the organization, clients, or leadership.

(v) Be professional

While writing either an employee self-assessment or a manager performance review self-evaluation, don’t use informal terms.

All terms should be devoid of personal words and attribute.

Never use offensive words for either your colleagues or leadership while writing.

Don’t blame anyone for any of your deficits.

If you had a clash with a colleague or a superior, state it formally.

There is always a better way of expressing yourself without it looking personal.

Self-assessment development examples:

The exact structure of your self-evaluation or assessment depends on the areas your supervisors want to either assess or evaluate.

Most self-evaluation covers these five sections, though in different patterns.

1. Assess attainment of objectives

Usually, every organization sets objectives for its employees, either monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Whether you were able to attain the objectives or not, you have to objectively and honestly state it.

Self-evaluation example 1: Sales representative

In the first half of the year, I was able to not only attain my given objectives but exceeded it by 15%.

The initial objective was to increase the company’s cumulative sales from 45% to 65%.

To the delight of my superiors, I was able to ramp it up to 80%.

I achieved this through a creative online sales campaign in collaboration with the media and marketing team.

Most interestingly, I was able to sign the company’s biggest client ever.

Not only that, but I was also able to make him trust the company.

Through him, I was able to get two referrals, who are also big-time customers.

Self-evaluation example 2: Marketing manager

As a marketing manager, even though I was able to boost the company’s online presence, I failed in meeting up with the task of capturing the required number of leads.

I was to capture 50, 000 leads (including loyal customers) for the company, after the first half of this year.

Sadly, I was only able to meet up with capturing 35,000 leads.

However, I understood the strategies that work and those that don’t work in capturing leads.

For the remaining half of the year, my team and I will focus more on the proven strategies to maximize our results.

2. Clearly state your accomplishments

Using the five tips mentioned earlier, clearly state your accomplishments in the organization.

How were you able to achieve them?

You must remember to rationalize the results.

That is, state the teams and colleagues who helped you achieve your target and the roles they played.

In addition, this is an excellent section in your employee self-assessment to talk about the new challenges you took, skills improved, and challenges you want to take on.

Self-evaluation example 3: Sales representative

Since I became the sales representative of this great organization, I have accomplished quite a number of results.

Apart from exceeding my given objective for the first half of this year by 15%, I have been able to hit a 75% closing rate of all new customer’s inquiries.

The biggest factor to my success is my copywriting strategy and my quick responsiveness throughout the sales process.

Between January and March, I was able to build the trust of the captured leads by collaborating with the marketing team by 65%.

Having seen the success of my copywriting skill within the first three months, I decided to major on it for the remaining three months of the half-year.

Therefore, at the end of June, 90% of the marketing team’s captured leads had signed up for our sales promotions newsletter, 75% of them, through my quick response in answering, have been able to make their first purchase.

This was how I score an additional 35% of total sales, bringing our present cumulative sales to 80%.

Self-evaluation example 4: Marketing manager

When I started working for the company two years ago, my major goals were to increase the company’s exposure, expand our thought leadership, and make us the industry leader.

I collaborated with the media personnel to increase our online exposure and give out unique content to build trust in our captured online leads.

I was able to increase our company’s visibility in the industry at speaking conferences, conventions, and seminars.

Even though I could not meet up with capturing the targeted lead base for this half (which I am currently working on to meet), I have been able to create more loyal customers, of which one of the notable personalities in our country is among.

This has given us a leap among the other companies in the industry.

3. Reflect on areas of improvement

These refer to areas where you possibly have gone off track.

Most employees do not feel okay when including this section in their employee self-assessment an example of while writing their performance reviews.

Including it does not make you look unprofessional.

It simply depicts the core values of honesty and accountability.

The only thing is that when writing this section, your words should be stated in an improvement tense.

Don’t just state your areas of weakness.

Back it up with your intention to overcome it, including present actions taken towards that effect.

Self-evaluation example 5: Sales representative

During the past half of the year, there were times that I fell short in my daily responsibilities and targets for meeting and responding to the customers’ inquires.

I know this isn’t acceptable for someone in my position.

Sometimes, it takes me more than 24 hours to attend to a customer because of my inability to manage my schedule and time.

At times, my tight schedule gets me confused on how to manage and to meet up effectively.

All thanks to the marketing team head who came to my rescue.

She taught me how to delegate responsibilities among my team members effectively.

I am presently undergoing training on time management, scheduling, and team management for better results in the remaining half of the year.

Self-evaluation example 6: Marketing manager

The esteemed goal of the marketing strategy made me be too hard on my team members.

I am apologetic about it.

There are times when I pushed my team members too hard to meet a target, sometimes at the expense of their hours.

Although I am patient with them, my feedback is kind of blunt and authoritative.

At this effect, I have decided to make amends and be a better team head.

I am presently undergoing online training on emotional intelligence.

With this, I can be able to relate better with my team.

I have learnt within my few years of working that an unhappy team will never be progressive.

So I am a good emotional considerate leader on the making.

4. State your alignment with the company’s core values

Organizations typically outline core values held in high value.

All employees are to abide by them.

Is including this section in my employee self-assessment necessary?

Yes, it is.

All organizations will be happy to see how well you do in abiding by their core values.

It shows your commitment to organizational goals and interests.

In writing this section, you should illustrate how you have demonstrated behaviors concerning the core values.

Self-evaluation example 7: Sales representative

I collaborated with my team to produce reliable and consistent results.

In respect to the value of teamwork, I have collaborated well with the media and marketing team to ensure success with my objectives.

Thereby boosting the authority of our company in the industry.

My punctuality and consistency in my duties are undoubtedly on a 90% rating.

Feedbacks have proven that.

Self-evaluation example 8: Marketing manager

Together with my team, we have gone the extra mile to work with other teams to broaden and ensure the easy delivery of projects.

This is clear in the sales team’s sales campaign, which resulted in being the biggest ever.

Also, most importantly, my team and I always engage in learning extra skills to boost our marketing strategies.

This can be in the CRM skills, advanced SEO, and SEM tools we recently employed in meeting our target.

5. Setting goals for professional improvements

This is one of the most important aspects of your employee self-assessment example.

Defining and discussing your future professional goals with your leaders or supervisors makes you an aspiring and reliable professional.

Your professional goals should fall into two areas:

  • The goals you want to achieve in your current role
  • The goals for your professional advancement into other roles

This is an opportunity for you to tell your manager about moving into a new role you enjoy doing, or training you want to apply for.

So, if you are a manager or supervisor, this section should enable you to help your employees to achieve their goals by placing them in the right roles.

Better still, by allowing exploring and learning more about their goals.

Self-evaluation example 9: Sales representative

Haven demonstrated my ability to meet up with my sales target through my act of copywriting and quick responsiveness.

And also, I believe that improving my team management, time management, and scheduling skills will create more closing sales opportunities in the next half.

My goals for the next half of this year is to:

  • Achieve 110% of my targeted cumulative sales for the next six months
  • Maintain stable closing sales rate of 85% for new customers
  • Maintain a daily consistency in achieving my daily target at 95%
  • Enrol in an online school to learn more about account management
  • Enrol in an online marketing college to learn about SEO. This will help me in generating the right keywords for my copywrites. Additionally, I won’t have to be always dependent on the marketing team in this aspect.

I believe that getting skills will help me to be a better sales manager.

I will be pleased to lead the sales section.

It will be a joy and an opportunity for me to train new intakes to replicate my success and even do better than me.

Self-evaluation example 10: Marketing manager

In the last half, my team managed to attend five conventions and trade shows and secure speaking engagements at two industry conferences.

In the next half, together with my team, we will optimize strategies to maximize our return on investments (ROI).

My goals for the remaining half of this year is to:

  • Increase inbound lead volume by 50%
  • Increase lead capture on the company website and online platforms
  • Reduce cost by 40% in trade shows and convention and the same light, increase our measurable return on investment
  • Complete a course on emotional intelligence
  • And to complete a course on thought leadership
  • Complete a course on advanced online marketing strategies

I will love to participate in the marketing strategy development of our company.

This will be a perfect ground for me to invest all knowledge I had acquired.

I hope you find these examples useful in writing your employee self-assessment and manager self-performance review.

Also, as a manager, you can help simplify your employees’ hard work by giving them these hints.

Even though you ask to write self-appraisal examples, just know it is the same thing.

Never rush while writing your performance review.

Take your time.

Treat it like an official exam.

Don’t forget to be completely honest while writing.

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