Last Updated on August 22, 2020

PM Pravind Jugnauth wins Mauritius Elections

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The ruling Militant Socialist Movement (MSM) has secured incumbent PM Pravind Jugnauth a five-year term by winning more than half of the seats in parliament.

PM Pravind Jugnauth won thirty-eight seats with an additional four seat added in the final allocation. The final allocation addition enabled the MSM secure an outright majority needed to form a government alone.

The MSM victory has reinforced the legitimacy of PM Pravind Jugnauth who initially took over from his father without going through an election. Pravind Jugnauth started serving as Prime Minister after he was chosen by his father, Sir Anerood Jugnauth following his resignation.

Sir Anerood was the leader of the Alliance Lepep coalition and the longest-serving prime minister since Mauritius gained independence from Britain in 1968. PM Pravind Jugnauth, on the other hand, leads the Militant Socialist Movement party.

Opposition parties argue that the PM Pravind Jugnauth family’s rule has been marked by nepotism and corruption. The prime minister, however, urged the country to judge him on his short time in office, talking up economic reforms.

The voting system in Mauritius allows the electorate to choose 62 MPs, while the electoral commission appoints 8 others who attained the highest votes but were not elected directly.


Under this system, the National Alliance added up 3 extra seats while the Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM) added 1 extra seat.

That gave the National Alliance, led by two-time prime minister Navin Ramgoolam, a total of 17 seats. The MMM took nine seats.

The commission said roughly three-quarters of the prosperous archipelago’s one million eligible voters turned out to cast their ballots on Thursday, slightly more than the numbers for the last poll in 2014.

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