
Last Updated on October 30, 2019

Specific ways to ascertain if the love you feel is real

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Everyone in the world would like to have true love in their lives. It is very hard to find. Oftentimes, people leave this mortal coil without even experiencing it. That is a very painful and harsh reality. People say to wait for true love because if it is really for you, it will come.

What if you are just wasting your time waiting for it? They also say always wait for the right time or opportunity. Isn’t it more correct to say that you must be the one who will make the opportunity come into your life?

In other words, people who say wait are the ones who are scared to get hurt and the ones who get out and make the opportunity come to them are the ones who are not afraid to get hurt and make mistakes. They will use them as learning experiences and move on stronger than before.

True love

What if you are just wasting your time waiting for it? They also say always wait for the right time or opportunity. Isn’t it more correct to say that you must be the one who will make the opportunity come into your life? In other words, people who say wait are the ones who are scared to get hurt and the ones who get out and make the opportunity come to them are the ones who are not afraid to get hurt and make mistakes. They will use them as learning experiences and move on stronger than before.

True love is not just loving someone and being loved in return. That is just half of it. Real love is one that will stand the test of time and will not fade even though many years have gone by. This article will help you discern real love from the fake ones and will also help you in making you ready when the time comes that it finally comes knocking on your door.

1. Be true to yourself

You have to know yourself fully so that you may know how you must be loved by someone else. It goes without saying that you have to love yourself first before you can be loved by another person. This someone must accept you with what you are, who you are, what you look like, and what you can give and offer. It must not matter if you are poor or rich, ugly or pretty. True love transcends those petty things.

Be true to yourself
Be true to yourself

2. Always be at your best

If you want to have the best one for you, you also have to be the best one for that person. Opposites attract, yes but there are also times that you can get attracted to someone that has the same way of life as you. People tend to find similarities in their would-be partners so that they can “click”. This makes conversations between them easier since they have lots of things in common.

Always be at your best
Always be at your best

3. True love needs confidence

If you are shy and would not let the other person in, chances are that you will be alone for the rest of your life. People are shy because they are not sure of themselves. This happens when they do not know who they are exactly and what they are capable of doing. In the end, your best ally is yourself and your best rival is yourself as well. Try to believe in yourself more because how can anyone believe in you if you don’t?

True love needs confidence
True love needs confidence

4. Keep your lines open

In being open, this means you are ready to connect with other people and share your life and experiences with them. Be truthful. Of course, a certain level of trust must be achieved before this can be done. Oftentimes, true love comes when two people fully trust each other. True love cannot begin and will not survive without trust. That is the foundation that would-be lovers must strengthen always.

5. Always be happy

Being someone who smiles often and is happy attracts a lot of people to them. This is because every person wants to be surrounded by happy people. In this way, you can attract your would-be partner in life and they would think that you are a great person to spend their lives with.


Being in love is such a great feeling. True love is not that hard to find. It only needs readiness of one’s self and the proper frame of mind along with a partner that would understand you whatever happens.

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