Last Updated on August 22, 2020

Healthy Heart Foods

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Heart of the centre point of our body which is responsible for pumping and supplying blood all over our body. In the modern world, the heart has become one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body which gets affected by unhealthy diets, polluted environments, and lazy routines that most people tend to spend. Therefore, we have found it of the highest importance to guide our readers regarding keeping their hearts healthy. A healthy heart needs good food.

Fortunately, there is a smarter way of keeping the heart healthy without much struggle. One of the most efficient ways of keeping your heart healthy is to include healthy heart foods in your daily routine. We call these as healthy heart foods because they will support and strengthen your heart in the modern busy life by adding taste to your mouth and filling up your belly while keeping the right number of nutrients intact in your body for a healthy life.

Healthy Heart Foods

The following list of healthy heart foods has been researched and presented for your consideration with special care of keeping the health of our readers as the number one priority. The list also contains the fruits and vegetables that are highly recommended for keeping your heart strong.

Red juicy apples

As the cliché goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is highly relevant here. An apple contains rich amounts of iron which are vital for human strength. In addition to that, it contains antioxidants and other elements that boost the blood flow and prevent blood clots from developing in the veins. Apples are also known for reducing cholesterol levels that are primarily responsible for a heart stroke. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you eat at least one red juicy apple per day in any form if you want to keep your heart healthy.

Red juicy apples

Red Wine:

This may look like a treat for the eye for wine lovers that red wine is also good for achieving cardiovascular health. But you need to be careful with its use. You must not consume red wine in high quantity otherwise it can have adverse effects also. Moderate and controlled consumption of red wine will help your heart in many ways including the addition of antioxidants, healthy cholesterol, and improving blood quality.

Red Wine:

Green leafy vegetables

Whether or not your heart is at risk, these green leafy vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, collard, and spinach are the biggest blessings for mankind. These green leafy vegetables are full of nutrients and they also make sure to keep your heart healthy, strong, and pumping. Try to include these green leafy vegetables in your daily routine or in your weekly diet plan so that you get your heart and overall body healthy.

Olive oil for cooking and eating

Olive oil is also one of the most important blessings for a heart patient or people with a risk of having a heart problem. You can use olive oil in multiple forms. You can cook your meals in olive oil or you can also dip your food in olive oil to enjoy its taste. This will surely protect your heart from getting damaged and will serve as a saviour to your heart.

Olive oil for cooking and eating


Tomatoes also contain antioxidants that will give life to your blood and heart. You can take tomatoes in your daily diets in many forms. You can include its slices in your meals and salads or you can also crush them and can eat with the bread. It’s a food that keeps a healthy heart active.

Other healthy heart foods to consider:

  • Whole grains
  • Salmon
  • Soy foods
  • Avocados
  • Walnuts
  • Oatmeal
  • Fatty fish
  • Folic acid
Other healthy heart foods to consider:

Foods to avoid for heart patients

If you have a heart problem, you must be careful and choosy about your foods because that can directly affect your healthy heart.


  • Saturated fats like butter and cheese
  • Fast food and junk foods
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Doughnuts
  • Bakery items
  • Fried foods
Foods to avoid for heart patients


The heart gets easily affected by the food we eat on a daily basis. With the quality of food deteriorating in modern life, you must consider making small changes in your meal plans to keep to heart strong by following healthy heart foods.

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