Last Updated on September 5, 2022

How do you identify what your strengths are?

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Determining your strengths isn’t as simple as taking a personality test. It requires an extensive introspection, which allows you to see your abilities and skills fully. Furthermore, it is a constant evaluation of yourself. Personal strengths are a wide array of qualities, traits, and skills. It is not limited to personality traits and communication skills, like what is typically on a resume. Moreover, each one of us has his or her strengths. We may or may not be aware of most of the time. This is why we must identify your strengths. Doing so would open up the possibility for more opportunities and room for growth. If you want to know how to identify your strengths to gain more confidence or build on self-improvement, keep reading.


We will be sharing some of the most valuable tips on how you can identify your strengths.

Identifying your strengths

Knowing what you’re good at is not something you do to fuel your ego.

Therefore, it should be something you do to help you with your education or career.

It’s like knowing what weapons you have and making the most of them.

1. Know what skills you have

Your skills are some of your most valuable assets.

It is your ability to do something well.

Moreover, it’s something you have managed to gain knowledge and improve through time.

Knowing what skills you have will help you identify your strengths and help build on it.

Furthermore, this will also allow you to see which skills you need to improve on, allowing you to identify your weaknesses.

Here is a list of some skills you might have.

See if any of these apply to you.

Professional skills:

  1. Ethics
  2. Integrity
  3. Dedication
  4. Teamwork
  5. Professionalism
  6. Honesty

Organizational skills:

  1. Time Management
  2. Meeting deadlines
  3. Delegating of tasks
  4. Prioritizing
  5. Managing appointments
  6. Creating schedules

Analytical skills:

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Data analysis
  4. Strategic thinking

Leadership skills:

  1. Coaching
  2. Conflict resolution
  3. Dependability
  4. Active listening
  5. Motivation
  6. Communication

More or less, you might possess at least a few of these skills.

However, remember that your skills are just one of your strengths.

Thus, if you don’t possess a lot of skills, it doesn’t mean that you lack personal strengths.

There still might be other strengths you have but are unaware of.

2. Take a personality test

Taking a strength (personality) test is a good start to identify your strengths.

It may not be 100% accurate, but it will give you a good idea of your strengths.

Psychologists and self-development experts work on many tests that would people know their strengths more.

If you are looking for someone or something to tell you your strengths, taking these tests is your best hope.

Just make sure you’re taking a reliable test to assess and gauge your skills properly.

Wiley: everything disc

This is one of the most popular tests to discover your strengths.

The Wiley: Everything DiSC is a tool that highlights people’s behavioral differences.

It aims to increase people’s self-knowledge and facilitates working relationships.

Based on the work of physiological psychologist Dr. Williams Marson in 1928.

Via character strengths inventory

The Via Institute offers a free survey that allows you to discover your strengths.

The VIA Institute began its non-profit organization back in 2001.

They specialize in helping people know what they’re good at and using it to further them.

Although ideal for Millenials, the Via Character Strengths Inventory is an excellent overall tool to know your strengths.

The big five personality test

The Big Five Personality test is one of the most popular personality tests.

It’s simple and quite easy and quick to take.

Moreover, it’s ideal if you are not familiar with psychological tests and don’t want to spend a long time answering long questionnaires.

3. Identifying your talents

Some people may confuse skills with talents.

It’s understandable as it is sometimes interchangeably.

However, these two things are completely different.

Skills, as we previously mentioned, refer to your ability to do something that’s earned through practice and training.


Meanwhile, talents are inherent or inborn in a person.

Many would argue that talents are one’s natural ability to do something.

It even seems like it’s done as if one isn’t even trying.

Talents are also often referred to as gifts.

To help you understand the difference more, here is an example.

Driving is a common example of a skill.

However, no one is ever born with the knowledge on how to drive.

We all go through driving lessons and practice to gain the skill.

Meanwhile, singing is often considered a talent.

Some are just born with a good ear and pitch, and powerful vocals.

However, you also know that singing can be a learned skill.

Most successful singers knew how to sing at a young age.

However, they learned how to improve their craft through training and practice.

There are so many things which can be both a talent or skill.

You must know your talent because it is something you can further develop and eventually master.

If you want to know how to identify your strengths and talents, then keep on reading.

Ask the people who know you.

It might seem obvious, but asking the people around you what they think your talents are is one of the easiest ways to discover your strengths.

Oftentimes, we have so much talent in us that only other people can see.

Ask the people who know you well and whom you fully trust.

This could be your family or friends.

Furthermore, you could ask your parents or other family members what you were good at.

Maybe you will discover an old talent that you may have neglected or forgotten about.

Identify other people’s talents.

It’s a good practice to identify other people’s strengths and talents.

Sometimes, we just need to get a little inspired.

Furthermore, it will develop our skills in recognizing talents overall.

If you don’t know how to identify your strengths and talents, think about what you think they are naturally good at.

Do you often look at someone and say, “Wow, she is good at _, it’s like she’s not even trying.”

4. Identifying your strengths at work

When you go for a job interview, you will be most likely asked your strengths and weaknesses.

Although you know you are competent and capable, you might be unsure of your skill sets.

If you know how to identify your strengths at work, you have the potential to become more efficient.

Furthermore, you can easily use these to further you in whatever field you are in.

Take a strength test.

You can also answer a strength (personality) test specifically made to find out your work strengths.

Moreover, you may consult with your company’s Human Resources department to find these tests.

However, if you are self-employed or have no other means to access these tests, there are plenty of reliable strength (personality) tests online.

Listen to what other people have to say.

We are often told to do our own thing and not listen to what other people say.

That might be true in some situations.

However, you need to listen to other people’s feedback if you want to identify your strengths.

There are times when we truly need to listen because these people might know something we don’t.

Listen to what your supervisor or boss always tells you.

If you want to go the next mile, you can certainly ask for feedback from your superiors.

Furthermore, you can ask co-workers what they think you are good at.

Sometimes, your co-workers would commend you for doing something good.

Thus, it is best to take note of these situations.


At work, think about what your supervisor or boss has to say.

Do you think they are satisfied with your work?

If so, why do you think they are?

Does your boss trust you with one particular task all the time?

What is that task?

Do your co-workers compliment you on doing something excellently?

What are those tasks?

During your reflection, think inward.

Furthermore, listen to yourself and what you have to say.

What particular tasks do I feel most rewarded or satisfied by?

Do I receive compliments for anything I do?

Do I feel like I am excellent at something?

“4 primary workplace strengths.”

Jack Bergstrand, the Chief Executive of Brand Velocity, wrote an article for Forbes Magazine in regard to the 4 primary workplace strengths.

You will most likely fall into any of these 4 strengths.

If you want to identify your primary workplace strength, keep on reading.

Envision Strength

People who possess envision strength are visionaries.

These people are heavy thinkers and more concerned with the where and why.

Those who possess this, are in the field of marketing or the executive department.

  1. Brainstorming new ideas – the ability to create and co-create novel ideas
  2. Strategizing – the ability to see current events and use them to see what’s coming ahead
  3. Thinking creatively – the ability to conceptualize and envision possibilities not necessarily based on experience
  4. Having a vision – the ability to look ahead in a positive light

Design Strength

If the envision strength is more subjective, the design strength is more objective.

They are good at giving the right answers to questions.

Furthermore, they are also excellent planners.

These people are more concerned with what.

  1. Creating a budget – the ability to allocate resources to arrive at various goals properly.
  2. Making crucial decisions – the ability to make the final choices that will greatly have an impact
  3. Defining objectives – the ability to pinpoint what needs to do to arrive at the major goals
  4. Use of quantitative reasoning – the ability to use numbers to aid with decision making and implementing policies

Build Strength

People who possess this strength are more concerned with the how.

These people know the best way to get something done.

Individuals with this strength thrive in systematic work and the technicalities.

If the envision strength gets easily bored by repetition, the build strength takes pleasure in it.

Typically, people who possess this, are in the logistics and management solutions field.

  1. Execute major projects – the ability to implement a solid and complex plan to achieve a significant goal
  2. Execute step-by-step procedures – the ability to get things done by following a strict set of guidelines and steps
  3. Use practical solutions – the ability to solve a problem or issue by using strategies and techniques that are efficient.

Operate Characteristic

The “Operate” characteristic would mean differently in the industrial age.

Nowadays, this characteristic mostly entails people who have the ability to make things happen.

This mostly focuses on the who.

Moreover, these people have a lot of energy when dealing with human interactions.

Most people who have this strength are in the sales and mentorship fields.

To further enlighten you on what this workplace strength is, here is a list of skills and traits you might have if you have the “operate” strength.

  1. Creating personal relationships – the ability to relate to people and build emotional relationships
  2. Teamwork – The ability to excel working in groups of people in various situations
  3. Excellent communication – the ability to share information whether verbal or non-verbal
  4. Coaching and mentorship – the ability to help others meet their goals and improve personal growth
  5. Providing support – the ability to lend a helping hand during problematic times

Identifying your child’s strengths

If you are a parent, you may not just be wondering how to identify your strengths.

You also want to know your child’s.

Knowing how to identify your child’s strengths early on will help them so much later in life.

As parents, we want what is best for our children.

We want them to grow up as holistic and well-rounded individuals.

Thus, we want them to develop as many skills and talents as possible.

However, you might be surprised that your child’s strengths may come in forms you are not expecting.

Your child’s skills and traits certainly come in various forms.

These can be social, math and logic, language, and personal.

1. Spend time with your child.

Spending time with your child doesn’t only mean watching over or supervising them.

It calls for you to participate in activities together.

In these activities, will you truly see what aspects they are good at?

Furthermore, you will also see their weaknesses in some aspects.

Go to the playground.

See if your child is able to interact well with other children.

This might show his or her strength in social skills.

You may also see how good your child is at the slides or swings – showing his physical strength.

2. Learn your child’s learning style.

Learning your child’s learning style will help you discover what they’re good at.

Furthermore, you will also learn about their weaknesses in the process.

This also applies to adults.

Everyone has his or her learning style.

Thus, if you haven’t figured out your learning style yet, maybe you should try thinking which of these below apply to you the most.


These children enjoy or prefer learning materials that include illustrations.

You will find that your child learns the material better when you use visual aids.

Furthermore, these children are good at recognizing people and are curious about the world around him or her.


These children like to listen to things, whether it’s music or spoken words.

They may lean towards playing musical instruments or experimenting with how different things sound.

Furthermore, these children are also good at paying attention and following instructions.

These kids may also ask a lot of questions before beginning any task or activity.

Reading or Writing

Does your kid find it easy to remember what he or she has read?

Do they like writing or scribbling down notes?

Reading or writing learners tend to pay attention to details from what they read.

They are organized and enjoy studying and reading books alone.


These children are quite different from the rest.

You won’t find them excelling at activities that require them to sit down.

Thus, you might even think they are not good learners.

That’s simply not true.

Kinesthetic learners learn best by being active or through physical touch.

These children may enjoy sports or other physical activities over reading or watching TV.

They like to do something with their hands instead of just watching.

3. Listen to your child.

You will be surprised by how valuable your child’s thoughts and feelings could be.

No matter how old or young your child is, it is important to lend an ear.

You may often pick up a few things about their strengths and weaknesses by just listening.

For example, your child is coming home from school, and you asked him or her about school.

He or she might respond, “I didn’t understand what my teacher said, but I made some friends at lunch.”

This statement alone will tell you that your child may have good social skills.

It will also tell you that he or she might need some help in the learning aspect.

Discovering your weaknesses

You can further learn more about yourself if you start discovering your weaknesses.

Knowing how to discover your weaknesses is also a strength in itself.

To identify your strengths sometimes also means finding out what your weaknesses are.

Never let your weaknesses define you.

Remember that weaknesses are often temporary.

The best part is that you have figured out what they are.

Then, you can take control and take the necessary measures to reverse these weaknesses.

It is not unheard of to turn your weaknesses into strengths.

The first step to overcoming your weaknesses is to figure out what they are.

1. Think about what you don’t like about yourself.

This doesn’t call you to put yourself down.

It also doesn’t ask you to nitpick your negative qualities and traits.

It mainly calls for you to think about what you think you need to improve on.

These might be your weaknesses just waiting to address.

Do you hate yourself because you are always late?

Do you hate it when your friends invite you out at the last minute, but can’t say no even if you’re busy?

These are some of the commonly overlooked weaknesses you might have.

They may not sound too serious, but it is most likely that it impacts every aspect of your life.

2. Ask for and listen to feedback.

Often, we are unaware of our weaknesses.

What might be an actual weakness may sound like a normal trait to you.

Thus, it’s important to ask other people.

You can also recall some statements made by others about you or what other people might have told you in the past.

“You work too hard.”, “You don’t get along with our boss well, don’t you?” or “You spend way too much time on one task.”

These simple statements may sound like mere observations from the people around you.

However, sometimes they have merit to them.

If you often hear one statement told you all the time, it’s time to evaluate whether that statement is true.

Are people always telling you that you work too hard?

Maybe you are.

It might be time to create implement and some time management solutions into your life.

This will allow you to live a more balanced life.

Furthermore, you may also need to think of more efficient solutions to finish a goal or task.

3. Think of something you’ve always wanted to do.

This doesn’t mean traveling or skydiving.

Have you always wished you knew how to do something better?

Maybe you wish you were better at Microsoft Excel or Photoshop.

Thus, if you ever find yourself wishing you were better in something, maybe it’s one of your weaknesses waiting to be fixed.


You need to take time and effort to identify your strengths.

Furthermore, it is an active decision and process that you will continue to do for the rest of your life.

Knowing your strengths doesn’t stop once you finish a personality test.

Therefore, it’s a constant reevaluation of your personal growth.

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